Rondeau Park Cottage Before & After Video


Concrete Pads
Sized accordingly can give your house the extra surface area needed to last!

Sill Plate & Rim Joist
Replaced with pressure
treated lumber and compressed into place, we do the repairs without bandaid solutions.

Floor Joist & Beams
You are seeing new rows of floor joist, after replacing the rotten ones
usually difficult to replace however we have trade secrets to sneak in new floor joists in the toughest places.
We are remodeling contractors who specialize in repairing your skinning floors, rotted wood structural framing, and minor concrete foundational repairs.
We can Jack up & level your home's wooden under-farming that's what we have been doing, and we enjoy it!
Chris Wood Homes is known for its diverse background in home remodeling and structural-related repairs. We have all the necessary professionals available to engineer solutions.
Chris Wood is a Renovation contractor / certified Home Inspector, (we do not offer home inspections to the general public at the time)
You can feel comfortable knowing you will get a fair assessment of how your home is holding up and what steps will be required to solve issues.
More Services
• Pier
• Posts
• Girders
• Sil Plate
• Rim Joist
• Subfloor
• Post Jack
• Reframing
• Floor Joists
• Cinderblocks
• Deck Leveling
• Sinking Floors
• Cement Footings
• Additional Blocking

This drawing above illustrates the essential components of a floor system so you know the terminology to help self-diagnose.
Why do these things ever need to be replaced or repaired?
The answer is water and moisture or extreme dryness, which is less common.
When a home doesn't have the appropriate gutters & downspouts system, or even a downgrade of land towards the house that will usually cause a problem because the foundational wall will have water penetration which will make excessive humidity under the home and cause the breakdown of the wood and with the help of mold and bugs eating away at the wood, it loses its strength.
Another reason would be leaking pipes or condensation lines leaking under the home or insufficient flashing around the house near the windows & doors, also the water getting under the siding.
Now that you have the basic knowledge of home structures, we can have a decent conversation.
Please call us so we can go over your concerns.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Chatham Kent Area
We level as far as Toronto!
Phone: 519-401-3339
Email: contact@chriswoodhomes.net
Monday - Sunday:
9am - 6:30pm